Thursday, August 29, 2013


Always keep your room clean.A man always keep their areas clean. A true man should never smell, so your socks should always be clean and dirty laundry should never be a huge pile. Always smell nice. Shower everyday because body odor scares away the women. I want to see you never disrespect a woman. They someday will give me grandchildren. Always say she is beautiful. never fart in front of her, but rather have the courtesy to step outside. Real men put the toilet seat down. Real men cook. Real men dress like they will meet the love of their life at any moment. You should never have long greasy hair for that makes you look grungy. You should never slouch because it will make you look as though your a hobo. A beard is never attractive so shave. Most importantly someday you will have a family of your own and if you have a son keep him in line.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

All about me :)

  1. My greatest asset is my personality.
  2. The nicest thing I ever did for anyone was help them through hard times by providing support.
  3. The nicest thing anyone ever did for me was throw me the best surprise part ever.
  4. One question I have about life is when does it truly end?
  5. One thing I've always wondered about is what my life will be like in 10 years.
  6. My teachers last year will tell you that I am quiet.
  7. My friends will tell you that I am entertaining.
  8. People like me because I'm a nice person.
  9. One thing most people don't know about me is that I love to bake.
  10. I am an expert on baking cookies.
  11. I want to know more about the world.
  12. When I want to, I have the ability to drive like a champ.
  13. The bravest thing I ever did was jump off a gigantic rock into the river because on the way down I thought I was falling to my death.
  14. I have trouble dealing with stress.
  15. I appreciate it when teachers help me through things that I don't understand.
  16. I am proud of my younger sister because for only being eleven she has accomplished so much and she is going to do great things with her life.
  17. My friends make me laugh when they do anything funny; it doesn't take much for me to laugh.
  18. My pet peeve is dirty dishes.
  19. When I am sad I like to have either "me" time or go do something fun with my best friend.
  20. The most stressful thing in my life is trying to be a grown-up.
  21. The most influential person in my life is my mom because she has been there for me my whole life .
  22. If I had one hundred dollars, I would get a new tattoo.
  23. It was easy to learn math because I am pretty good at it.
  24. It is difficult to read because I am a slow reader. 
  25. I have no regrets about  my choices.
  26. I do regret trying to grow up to fast.
  27. A friend once showed me how to duggie.
  28. I like almost all music, particularly these bands: The Used, Chiodos, Bruno Mars
  29. My favorite color is periwinkle.
  30. One dish I can cook well is apple pie.
  31. My favorite place on earth is the ocean.